Geany dev
Proxy Plugin HowTo


Geany has built-in support for plugins. These plugins can alter the way Geany operates in many imaginable ways which leaves little to be desired.

However, there is one significant short-coming. Due to the infrastructure, Geany's built-in support only covers plugins written in C, perhaps C++ and Vala. Basically all languages which can be compiled into native shared libraries and can link GTK libraries. This excludes dynamic languages such as Python.

Geany provides a mechanism to enable support for those languages. Native plugins can register as proxy plugins by being a normal plugin to the Geany-side and by providing a bridge to write plugins in another language on the other side.

These plugins are also called sub-plugins. This refers to the relation to their proxy. To Geany they are first-class citizens.

Writing a Proxy Plugin

The basic idea is that a proxy plugin provides methods to match, load and unload one or more sub-plugin plugins in an abstract manner:

  • Matching consists of providing a list of supported file extensions for the sub-plugins and a mechanism to resolve file extension uncertainty or ambiguity. The matching makes the plugin visible to the user within the Plugin Manager.
  • Loading consists of loading the sub-plugin's file, passing the file to some form of interpreter and calling GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER() or GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL() on behalf of the sub-plugin at some point.
  • Unloading simply reverses the effect of loading.

For providing these methods, GeanyPlugin has a field GeanyProxyFuncs which contains three function pointers which must be initialized prior to calling geany_plugin_register_proxy(). This should be done in the GeanyPluginFuncs::init function of the proxy plugin.

  • In the call to geany_plugin_register_proxy() the proxy plugin passes a list of file extensions. When Geany scans through its plugin directories as usual it will also look for files with that extensions and consider found files as plugin candidate.
  • GeanyProxyFuncs::probe may be implemented to probe if a plugin candidate (that has one of the provided file extensions) is actually a plugin. This may depend on the plugin file itself in case of ambiguity or availability of runtime dependencies or even configuration. GeanyProxyProbeResults constants should be returned. Not implementing GeanyProxyFuncs::probe at all is equivalent to always returning GEANY_PROXY_MATCH.
  • GeanyProxyFuncs::load must be implemented to actually load the plugin. It is called by Geany when the user enables the sub-plugin. What "loading" means is entirely up to the proxy plugin and probably depends on the interpreter of the dynamic language that shall be supported. After setting everything up as necessary GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER() or GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL() must be called to register the sub-plugin.
  • GeanyProxyFuncs::unload must be implemented and is called when the user unchecks the sub-plugin or when Geany exits. Here, the proxy should release any references or memory associated to the sub-plugin. Note that if GeanyProxyFuncs::load didn't succeed, i.e. didn't successfully register the sub-plugin, then this function won't be called.

GeanyProxyFuncs::load and GeanyProxyFuncs::unload receive two GeanyPlugin pointers: One that corresponds to the proxy itself and another that corresponds to the sub-plugin. The sub-plugin's one may be used to call various API functions on behalf of the sub-plugin, including GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER() and GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL().

GeanyProxyFuncs::load may return a pointer that is passed back to GeanyProxyFuncs::unload. This can be used to store proxy-defined but sub-plugin-specific data required for unloading. However, this pointer is not passed to the sub-plugin's GeanyPluginFuncs. To arrange for that, you want to call GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL(). This method is the key to enable proxy plugins to wrap the GeanyPluginFuncs of all sub-plugins and yet multiplex between multiple sub-plugin, for example by storing a per-sub-plugin interpreter context.

If the pointer returned from GeanyProxyFuncs::load is the same that is passed to GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL() then you must pass NULL as free_func, because that would be invoked prior to unloading. Insert the corresponding code into GeanyProxyFuncs::unload.

Guideline for Checking Compatibility

Determining if a plugin candidate is compatible is not a single test. There are multiple levels and each should be handled differently in order to give the user a consistent feedback.

Consider the 5 basic cases:

1) A candidate comes with a suitable file extension but is not a workable plugin file at all. For example, your proxy supports plugins written in a shell script (.sh) but the shebang of that script points to an incompatible shell (or even lacks a shebang). You should check for this in GeanyProxyFuncs::probe() and return GEANY_PROXY_IGNORE which hides that script from the Plugin Manager and allows other enabled proxy plugins to pick it up. GeanyProxyFuncs::probe() returning GEANY_PROXY_IGNORE is an indication that the candidate is meant for another proxy, or the user placed the file by accident in one of Geany's plugin directories. In other words the candidate simply doesn't correspond to your proxy. Thus any noise by debug messages for this case is undesirable.

2) A proxy plugin provides its own, versioned API to sub-plugin. The API version of the sub-plugin is not compatible with the API exposed by the proxy. GeanyProxyFuncs::probe() should never perform a version check because its sole purpose is to indicate a proxy's correspondence to a given candidate. It should return GEANY_PROXY_MATCH instead. Later, Geany will invoke the GeanyProxyFuncs::load(), and this function is the right place for a version check. If it fails then you simply do not call GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER(), but rather print a debug message. The result is that the sub-plugin is not shown in the Plugin Manager at all. This is consistent with the treatment of native plugins by Geany.

3) The sub-plugin is also depending on Geany's API version (whether it is or not depends on the design of the proxy). In this case do not do anything special but forward the API version the sub-plugin is written/compiled against to GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER(). Here, Geany will perform its own compatibility check, allowing for a consistent user feedback. The result is again that the sub-plugin is hidden from the Plugin Manager, like in case 2. But Geany will print a debug message so you can skip that.

If you have even more cases try to fit it into case 1 or 2, depending on whether other proxy plugins should get a chance to load the candidate or not.

Guideline for Runtime Errors

A sub-plugin might not be able to run even if it's perfectly compatible with its proxy. This includes the case when it lacks certain runtime dependencies such as programs or modules but also syntactic problems or other errors.

There are two basic classes:

1) Runtime errors that can be determined at load time. For example, the shebang of a script indicates a specific interpreter version but that version is not installed on the system. Your proxy should respond the same way as for version-incompatible plugins: don't register the plugin at all, but leave a message the user suggesting what has to be installed in order to work. Handle syntax errors in the scripts of sub-plugins the same way if possible.

2) Runtime errors that cannot be determined without actually running the plugin. An example would be missing modules in Python scripts. If your proxy has no way of foreseeing the problem the plugin will be registered normally. However, you can catch runtime errors by implementing GeanyPluginFuncs::init() on the plugin's behalf. This is called after user activation and allows to indicate errors by returning FALSE. However, allowing the user to enable a plugin and then disabling anyway is a poor user experience.

Therefore, if possible, try to fail fast and disallow registration.

Plugin Example

In this section a dumb example proxy plugin is shown in order to give a practical starting point. The sub-plugin are not actually code but rather a ini-style description of one or more menu items that are added to Geany's tools menu and a help dialog. Real world sub-plugins would contain actual code, usually written in a scripting language.

A sub-plugin file looks like this:

item0 = Bam
item1 = Foo
item2 = Bar
text = I'm a simple test. Nothing to see!
name = Demo Proxy Tester
description = I'm a simple test. Nothing to see!
version = 0.1
author = The Geany developer team

The first line acts as a verification that this file is truly a sub-plugin. Within the [Init] section there is the menu items for Geany's tools menu. The [Help] section declares the sub-plugins help text which is shown in its help dialog (via GeanyPluginFuncs::help). The [Info] section is used as-is for filling the sub-plugins PluginInfo fields.

That's it, this dumb format is purely declarative and contains no logic. Yet we will create plugins from it.

We start by registering the proxy plugin to Geany. There is nothing special to it compared to normal plugins. A proxy plugin must also fill its own PluginInfo and GeanyPluginFuncs, followed by registering through GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER().

/* Called by Geany to initialize the plugin. */
static gboolean demoproxy_init(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata)
// ...
/* Called by Geany before unloading the plugin. */
static void demoproxy_cleanup(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer data)
// ...
plugin->info->name = _("Demo Proxy");
plugin->info->description = _("Example Proxy.");
plugin->info->version = "0.1";
plugin->info->author = _("The Geany developer team");
plugin->funcs->init = demoproxy_init;
plugin->funcs->cleanup = demoproxy_cleanup;
void geany_load_module(GeanyPlugin *plugin)
Called by Geany when a plugin library is loaded.
#define GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER(plugin, min_api_version)
Convenience macro to register a plugin.
Definition: plugindata.h:323
gboolean(* init)(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata)
Called to initialize the plugin, when the user activates it (must not be NULL)
Definition: plugindata.h:299
void(* cleanup)(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata)
Called when the plugin is disabled or when Geany exits (must not be NULL)
Definition: plugindata.h:305
Basic information for the plugin and identification.
Definition: plugindata.h:232
PluginInfo * info
Fields set in plugin_set_info().
Definition: plugindata.h:233
GeanyPluginFuncs * funcs
Functions implemented by the plugin, set in geany_load_module()
Definition: plugindata.h:235
const gchar * version
The version of the plugin.
Definition: plugindata.h:100
const gchar * description
The description of the plugin.
Definition: plugindata.h:98
const gchar * name
The name of the plugin.
Definition: plugindata.h:96
const gchar * author
The author of the plugin.
Definition: plugindata.h:102

The next step is to actually register as a proxy plugin. This is done in demoproxy_init(). As previously mentioned, it needs a list of accepted file extensions and a set of callback functions.

static gboolean demoproxy_init(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata)
const gchar *extensions[] = { "ini", "px", NULL };
plugin->proxy_funcs->probe = demoproxy_probe;
plugin->proxy_funcs->load = demoproxy_load;
plugin->proxy_funcs->unload = demoproxy_unload;
return geany_plugin_register_proxy(plugin, extensions);
gint geany_plugin_register_proxy(GeanyPlugin *plugin, const gchar **extensions)
Register the plugin as a proxy for other plugins.
Definition: plugins.c:1963
GeanyProxyFuncs * proxy_funcs
Hooks implemented by the plugin if it wants to act as a proxy Must be set prior to calling geany_plug...
Definition: plugindata.h:236
void(* unload)(GeanyPlugin *proxy, GeanyPlugin *subplugin, gpointer load_data, gpointer pdata)
Called when the user initiates unloading of a plugin, e.g.
Definition: plugindata.h:383
gint(* probe)(GeanyPlugin *proxy, const gchar *filename, gpointer pdata)
Called to determine whether the proxy is truly responsible for the requested plugin.
Definition: plugindata.h:379
gpointer(* load)(GeanyPlugin *proxy, GeanyPlugin *subplugin, const gchar *filename, gpointer pdata)
Called after probe(), to perform the actual job of loading the plugin.
Definition: plugindata.h:381

The callback functions deserve a closer look.

As already mentioned the file format includes a magic first line which must be present. GeanyProxyFuncs::probe() verifies that it's present and avoids showing the sub-plugin in the Plugin Manager if not.

static gint demoproxy_probe(GeanyPlugin *proxy, const gchar *filename, gpointer pdata)
/* We know the extension is right (Geany checks that). For demo purposes we perform an
* additional check. This is not necessary when the extension is unique enough. */
gboolean match = FALSE;
gchar linebuf[128];
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
if (f != NULL)
if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f) != NULL)
match = utils_str_equal(linebuf, "#!!PROXY_MAGIC!!\n");
The proxy is not responsible at all, and Geany or other plugins are free to probe it.
Definition: plugindata.h:349
The proxy is responsible for this file, and creates a plugin for it.
Definition: plugindata.h:354
gboolean utils_str_equal(const gchar *a, const gchar *b)
NULL-safe string comparison.
Definition: utils.c:637

GeanyProxyFuncs::load is a bit more complex. It reads the file, fills the sub-plugin's PluginInfo fields and calls GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL(). Additionally, it creates a per-plugin context that holds GKeyFile instance (a poor man's interpreter context). You can also see that it does not call GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL() if g_key_file_load_from_file() found an error (probably a syntax problem) which means the sub-plugin cannot be enabled.

It also installs wrapper functions for the sub-plugin's GeanyPluginFuncs as ini files aren't code. It's very likely that your proxy needs something similar because you can only install function pointers to native code.

typedef struct {
GKeyFile *file;
gchar *help_text;
GSList *menu_items;
static gboolean proxy_init(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);
static void proxy_help(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);
static void proxy_cleanup(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);
static gpointer demoproxy_load(GeanyPlugin *proxy, GeanyPlugin *plugin,
const gchar *filename, gpointer pdata)
GKeyFile *file;
gboolean result;
file = g_key_file_new();
result = g_key_file_load_from_file(file, filename, 0, NULL);
if (result)
PluginContext *data = g_new0(PluginContext, 1);
data->file = file;
plugin->info->name = g_key_file_get_locale_string(data->file, "Info", "name", NULL, NULL);
plugin->info->description = g_key_file_get_locale_string(data->file, "Info", "description", NULL, NULL);
plugin->info->version = g_key_file_get_locale_string(data->file, "Info", "version", NULL, NULL);
plugin->info->author = g_key_file_get_locale_string(data->file, "Info", "author", NULL, NULL);
plugin->funcs->init = proxy_init;
plugin->funcs->help = proxy_help;
plugin->funcs->cleanup = proxy_cleanup;
/* Cannot pass g_free as free_func be Geany calls it before unloading, and since
* demoproxy_unload() accesses the data this would be catastrophic */
return data;
return NULL;
#define GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL(plugin, min_api_version, pdata, free_func)
Convenience macro to register a plugin with data.
Definition: plugindata.h:334
void(* help)(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata)
Called when the plugin should show some help, optional (can be NULL)
Definition: plugindata.h:303

demoproxy_unload() simply releases all resources acquired in demoproxy_load(). It does not have to do anything else in for unloading.

static void demoproxy_unload(GeanyPlugin *proxy, GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer load_data, gpointer pdata)
PluginContext *data = load_data;
g_free((gchar *)plugin->info->name);
g_free((gchar *)plugin->info->description);
g_free((gchar *)plugin->info->version);
g_free((gchar *)plugin->info->author);

Finally the demo_proxy's wrapper GeanyPluginFuncs. They are called for each possible sub-plugin and therefore have to multiplex between each using the plugin-defined data pointer. Each is called by Geany as if it were an ordinary, native plugin.

proxy_init() actually reads the sub-plugin's file using GKeyFile APIs. It prepares for the help dialog and installs the menu items. proxy_help() is called when the user clicks the help button in the Plugin Manager. Consequently, this fires up a suitable dialog, although with a dummy message. proxy_cleanup() frees all memory allocated in proxy_init().

static gboolean proxy_init(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata)
PluginContext *data;
gint i = 0;
gchar *text;
data = (PluginContext *) pdata;
/* Normally, you would instruct the VM/interpreter to call into the actual plugin. The
* plugin would be identified by pdata. Because there is no interpreter for
* .ini files we do it inline, as this is just a demo */
data->help_text = g_key_file_get_locale_string(data->file, "Help", "text", NULL, NULL);
while (TRUE)
GtkWidget *item;
gchar *key = g_strdup_printf("item%d", i++);
text = g_key_file_get_locale_string(data->file, "Init", key, NULL, NULL);
if (!text)
item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(text);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(plugin->geany_data->main_widgets->tools_menu), item);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(item, FALSE);
data->menu_items = g_slist_prepend(data->menu_items, (gpointer) item);
return TRUE;
static void proxy_help(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata)
PluginContext *data;
GtkWidget *dialog;
data = (PluginContext *) pdata;
dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(
"%s", data->help_text);
_("(From the %s plugin)"), plugin->info->name);
static void proxy_cleanup(GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata)
PluginContext *data = (PluginContext *) pdata;
g_slist_free_full(data->menu_items, (GDestroyNotify) gtk_widget_destroy);
struct GeanyMainWidgets * main_widgets
Important widgets in the main window.
Definition: plugindata.h:168
GtkWidget * window
Main window.
Definition: ui_utils.h:85
GtkWidget * tools_menu
Most plugins add menu items to the Tools menu.
Definition: ui_utils.h:90
GeanyData * geany_data
Pointer to global GeanyData intance.
Definition: plugindata.h:234