Snippet #156876
on 2022/12/12 15:56:20 (UTC) by Anonymous as Lua
-- tables {} are the main element to store information in Lua
-- widget is a table (a box containing pair of key = value) similar to any other table
local version = 0.1
function widget:GetInfo() -- this is a method, pretty much like a function with an hidden parameter (self) refering to the table where the function is stored
-- this method will return a table whenever it is called, widget:GetInfo()
return {
name = "Area Select",
desc = "select units by class around cursor, sample widget for learning, ver " .. version ,
author = "Helwor",
date = "Dec 2022",
license = "free",
layer = 0, -- the layer is the position in which this widget will be loaded compared to other widget's layer, layer can be negative
enabled = false, -- loaded by default?
-- handler = true, -- to have access to the real widgetHandler, we don't need it in this case
local debugNames = false -- set this to true to reveal the names of units in the console
local debugKey = false -- set this to true if you want to reveal in console which key code correspond to the key pressed
-- any widgets got access to some global variable, we used to declare local variable to access those globals in order to access them faster during runtime
-- we localize the following needed functions
local spGetMyTeamID = Spring.GetMyTeamID
local spGetUnitsInCylinder = Spring.GetUnitsInCylinder
local spGetUnitDefID = Spring.GetUnitDefID -- each unit got a unique defID that tell which unit type they are,
local spGetMouseState = Spring.GetMouseState
local spTraceScreenRay = Spring.TraceScreenRay
local spSelectUnitMap = Spring.SelectUnitMap
local spValidUnitID = Spring.ValidUnitID
local spGetUnitIsDead = Spring.GetUnitIsDead
local spGetUnitPosition = Spring.GetUnitPosition
local min = math.min
local max = math.max
local UnitDefs = UnitDefs
local Echo = Spring.Echo -- this is used for debugging, calling Echo('Hello') will write 'Hello' in the infolog and on the console log ingame
-- following will be used for drawing
local glLineWidth = gl.LineWidth
local glLineStipple = gl.LineStipple
local glPushMatrix = gl.PushMatrix
local glPopMatrix = gl.PopMatrix
local glDrawGroundCircle = gl.DrawGroundCircle
local glColor = gl.Color
local glText = gl.Text
-- we create a table as a catalog of names stored for each classe
-- NOTE: those are my own definition which might not be adequat for you, so you might want to change it
-- NOTE: you could create another class called 'scout' to differentiate scout from raider
local unitClasses = {
raider = {
--planefighter = true,
shipscout = true,
shiptorpraider = true,
spiderscout = true,
shieldscout = true,
cloakraid = true,
shieldraid = true,
vehraid = true,
amphraid = true,
vehscout = true,
jumpraid = true,
hoverraid = true,
subraider = true,
tankraid = true,
gunshipraid = true,
gunshipemp = true,
jumpscout = true,
tankheavyraid = true,
skirm = {
cloakskirm = true,
spiderskirm = true,
jumpskirm = true,
shieldskirm = true,
shipskirm = true,
amphfloater = true,
vehsupport = true,
gunshipskirm = true,
shieldfelon = true,
hoverskirm = true,
hoverdepthcharge = true,
riot = {
amphimpulse = true,
cloakriot = true,
shieldriot = true,
spiderriot = true,
spideremp = true,
jumpblackhole = true,
vehriot = true,
tankriot = true,
amphriot = true,
shiptorpraider = true,
hoverriot = true,
gunshipassault = true,
shipriot = true,
striderdante = true,
assault = {
jumpsumo = true,
cloakassault = true,
spiderassault = true,
tankheavyassault = true,
tankassault = true,
shipassault = true,
amphassault = true,
vehassault = true,
shieldassault = true,
jumpassault = true,
hoverassault = true,
hoverheavyraid = true,
shipassault = true,
--bomberprec = true,
--bomberheavy = true,
gunshipkrow = true,
striderdetriment = true,
arty = {
cloakarty = true,
amphsupport = true,
striderarty = true,
shieldarty = true,
jumparty = true,
veharty = true,
tankarty = true,
spidercrabe = true,
shiparty = true,
shipheavyarty = true,
shipcarrier = true,
hoverarty = true,
gunshipheavyskirm = true,
tankheavyarty = true,
vehheavyarty = true,
special1 = {
cloakheavyraid = true,
vehcapture = true,
spiderantiheavy = true,
shieldshield = true,
cloakjammer = true,
--planescout = true,
special2 = {
gunshiptrans = true,
shieldbomb = true,
cloakbomb = true,
gunshipbomb = true,
jumpbomb = true,
gunshipheavytrans = true,
subtacmissile = true,
spiderscout = true,
amphtele = true,
--bomberdisarm = true,
striderantiheavy = true,
striderscorpion = true,
special3 = {
cloaksnipe = true,
amphlaunch = true,
--planescout = true,
aa = {
gunshipaa = true,
shieldaa = true,
cloakaa = true,
vehaa = true,
hoveraa = true,
amphaa = true,
spideraa = true,
jumpaa = true,
tankaa = true,
shipaa = true,
con = {
amphcon = true,
planecon = true,
cloakcon = true,
spidercon = true,
jumpcon = true,
tankcon = true,
hovercon = true,
shieldcon = true,
vehcon = true,
gunshipcon = true,
shipcon = true,
planecon = true,
striderfunnelweb = true,
-- this catalog is like this for the purpose of the user to edit it easily
-- but in order to do the less work possible during runtime, we find out which defID correspond to which unit type and store them in a table
-- for this we use a for loop that will iterate through the table unitClasses, giving us each pair name of class = class table
-- and we iterate each of those class table to get names in it
-- in that way we know which name belong to which class, and we note their defID in another table called classByDefID
-- defID are unique identifiers for each unit type, they are part of the unit definitions, those defs are stored in globals UnitDefs and UnitDefNames
-- this table will make it pretty fast to check which unit belong to which class during runtime
--, as we will just have to ask Spring to give us the defID of the unit and we will know immediately which class is it thanks to this table
local classByDefID = {}
for className,classTable in pairs(unitClasses) do
for unitName in pairs(classTable) do
if UnitDefNames[unitName] then
local defID = UnitDefNames[unitName].id
Echo(unitName .. ' not found')
-- once that table is done, we don't need anymore the unitClasses table
unitClasses = nil
-- here we define for which keys belong which class
-- name of class here must correspond exactly to name of class in unitClasses
-- NOTE: put your own hotkeys and complete this, not all class are mentionned
-- N_1... represent '1' in main part of US keyboard
local myHotkeys = {
N_1 = 'raider',
N_2 = 'skirm',
N_3 = 'riot',
N_4 = 'assault',
N_5 = 'arty',
N_6 = 'aa'
-- now we gonna translate those hotkeys into char code through a loop, because when we get called in via KeyPress, we receive char code
-- for this we need to use KEYSYMS table which is a table of translation human->char code and is written in another lua file
-- including this file in our code will give us the table KEYSYMS
-- now we create a table containing paired char code = class name, in the same manner we did for defID of classes earlier
local myHotkeyCodes = {}
for key,class in pairs(myHotkeys) do
local code = KEYSYMS[key]
if code then
myHotkeyCodes[code] = class
Echo(key .. 'is not known in KEYSYMS')
-- once done, we can get rid of myHotkeys
myHotkeys = nil
-- setting up color for classes
-- I set a bunch of colors I use myself there
local colors = {
white = { 1.0, 1, 1, 1.0 },
black = { 0.0, 0, 0, 1.0 },
grey = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 },
red = { 1.0, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0 },
darkred = { 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0 },
lightred = { 1, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0 },
magenta = { 1.0, 0.25, 0.3, 1.0 },
rose = { 1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0 },
bloodyorange = { 1.0, 0.45, 0, 1.0 },
orange = { 1.0, 0.7, 0, 1.0 },
darkgreen = { 0.0, 0.6, 0, 1.0 },
green = { 0.0, 1, 0, 1.0 },
lightgreen = { 0.5, 1, 0.5, 1.0 },
lime = { 0.5, 1, 0, 1.0 },
blue = { 0.3, 0.35, 1, 1.0 },
turquoise = { 0.3, 0.7, 1, 1.0 },
lightblue = { 0.7, 0.7, 1, 1.0 },
yellow = { 1.0, 1, 0.3, 1.0 },
cyan = { 0.3, 1, 1, 1.0 },
brown = { 0.9, 0.75, 0.3, 1.0 },
purple = { 0.9, 0, 0.7, 1.0 },
softviolet = { 1.0, 0.25, 1, 1.0 },
violet = { 1.0, 0.4, 1, 1.0 },
-- here you can set different color for each class
local classColor = {
raider = colors.yellow,
skirm = colors.cyan,
riot =,
assault =,
arty =,
aa = colors.lightblue,
con = colors.white,
special1 = colors.brown,
special2 = colors.rose,
special3 = colors.turquoise,
----- we have set every static info, now the dynamic part
-- variables
local myTeamID = Spring.GetMyTeamID() -- our team ID can change during the game
local classCalled = false -- the class name called by press of key
local mySelection = {} -- table storing the units we gonna select
local radius = 650 -- radius of area
local x,y,z = 0,0,0 -- position of mouse in the world
local vsx, vsy -- size of game window
---------- updating teamID
local MyNewTeamID = function()
myTeamID = Spring.GetMyTeamID()
-- all those callin will run the same function that update our team ID
widget.TeamChanged = MyNewTeamID
widget.PlayerChanged = MyNewTeamID
widget.Playeradded = MyNewTeamID
widget.PlayerRemoved = MyNewTeamID
widget.TeamDied = MyNewTeamID
-- we make two separate function, one for gathering the units under our area of cursor, the other to effectively select the units
local UpdateFutureSelection = function()
-- collecting units in area
local mx,my = spGetMouseState() -- we get the coords of the mouse on screen
local _,pos = spTraceScreenRay(mx,my,true,false,false,false) -- translate the screen position into world position
if not pos then
x,y,z = unpack(pos)
local units = spGetUnitsInCylinder(x,z,radius,myTeamID)
-- we keep only units that are of the chosen class
for i,id in ipairs(units) do
if spValidUnitID(id) and not spGetUnitIsDead(id) then
if not mySelection[id] then
local defID = spGetUnitDefID(id)
if classByDefID[defID] == classCalled then
mySelection[id] = true
if debugNames then
Echo(id,'unit name: '..UnitDefs[defID].name)
local Select = function()
for id in pairs(mySelection) do
if not spValidUnitID(id) or spGetUnitIsDead(id) then
mySelection[id] = nil
if next(mySelection) then
-- the Engine Spring will call us when a key is pressed if we declare the method KeyPress
-- same for release with KeyRelease
-- that way we can do some work if we recognize our hotkey has been pressed
function widget:KeyPress(key,mods,isRepeat)
if isRepeat then
if debugKey then
Echo('key pressed: '.. key)
classCalled = myHotkeyCodes[key]
if classCalled then
mySelection = {}
return true -- returning true on this will block the normal action of that key
function widget:KeyRelease(key,mods)
if classCalled then
classCalled = false
-- changing the radius of area with mouse wheel
function widget:MouseWheel(up,value)
if not classCalled then
if up then
radius = min(3000, radius*(1+0.1*value))
radius = max(40, radius*(1+0.1*value))
return true
-- Update call-in is called everytime the game is redrawn (afaik), we use this call in to recheck which units fall into our area around the cursor
function widget:Update()
if not classCalled then
-- in DrawScreen and DrawWorld call-in, we can run some drawing function
function widget:DrawWorld()
if not classCalled then
glColor(classColor[classCalled] or colors.white)
-- draw the circle of area selection
glDrawGroundCircle(x, y, z, radius, 40) -- draws a simple circle on the ground.
-- draw little circles around each unit about to get selected
for id in pairs(mySelection) do
if spValidUnitID(id) and not spGetUnitIsDead(id) then
local ux,_,uz,_,uy = spGetUnitPosition(id,true)
glDrawGroundCircle(ux, uy, uz, 40, 40)
mySelection[id] = nil
-- after drawing round, we set everything to default
function widget:GetViewSizes(x,y)
vsx,vsy = x,y
function widget:DrawScreen()
if not classCalled then
glColor(classColor[classCalled] or colors.white)
glText(classCalled, vsx/2 - 100,150, 25)
-- this call-in is called once at the loading sequence of all widgets
function widget:Initialize()
vsx,vsy = Spring.GetViewSizes()
-- memorize the radius size over games
function widget:SetConfigData(data)
if not data.area_select_radius then
-- update 'radius' with saved value
radius = data.area_select_radius
function widget:GetConfigData()
-- save the radius value on widget exit
return {area_select_radius = radius}
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