Latest 10 snippets

Snippet #157071 ~ 2022/12/12 21:01:19

;~ Process, Priority, , A
;~ SetBatchLines, -1
;~ SetKeyDelay, -1, -1
;~ #Include <funcs>

Snippet #156876 ~ 2022/12/12 15:56:20

-- tables {} are the main element to store information in Lua
-- widget is a table (a box containing pair of key = value) similar to any other table
local version = 0.1
function widget:GetInfo() -- this is a method, pretty much like a function with an hidden parameter (self) refering to the table where the function is stored
-- this method will return a table whenever it is called, widget:GetInfo()

Snippet #154030 ~ 2022/12/08 7:31:55

local version = '0.3'
function widget:GetInfo()
return {
name = "Marker On Click",
desc = "Place marker on single click while using hotkey for drawing, ver "..version,

Snippet #140524 ~ 2022/11/19 1:56:07

local version = '0.3'
function widget:GetInfo()
return {
name = "Marker On Click",
desc = "Place marker on single click while using hotkey for drawing, ver "..version,

Snippet #137907 by rotense ~ 2022/11/15 15:23:19

#define SIZE 1024

Snippet #131892 ~ 2022/11/08 6:46:26

#include "main.h"
* _atoi - converts a string to an integer.
* @s: input string.

Snippet #131439 ~ 2022/11/07 18:01:22

# run this as root
# Webmin install

Snippet #124806 ~ 2022/11/02 13:10:52

local widgetName = "Next Gen Bombers"
function widget:GetInfo()
return {
name = widgetName,

Snippet #123092 by rotense ~ 2022/11/01 1:07:09

#include "main.h"
#include <stdio.h>
* simple_print_buffer - prints buffer in hexa

Snippet #119543 ~ 2022/10/29 11:57:29

function widget:GetInfo()
return {
name = "Marker On Click",
desc = "Place marker on single click",
author = "Helwor",