Snippet #890
on 2020/08/16 0:13:06 (UTC) by Matthew Brush as Bash
# Create the directory where the script will live
$ mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin"
# Save the script to that location, named 'geany-tail'
$ cat > "$HOME/.local/bin/geany-tail" << \EOF
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> set -e
> temp_file=`mktemp geany-tail-XXXXXX`
> trap 'rm -f "$temp_file"' EXIT
> tail $@ > "$temp_file"
> geany "$temp_file"
# Make the script executable
$ chmod +x "$HOME/.local/bin/geany-tail"
# Add the script directory to $PATH environment variable
$ cat >> "$HOME/.profile" << \EOF
> # Add local bin dir to PATH
> PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"
# Source the updated ~/.profile to update environment variable
$ . "$HOME/.profile"
# Check the script is properly accessible
$ which geany-tail
# Using it, arguments are passed directly to 'tail' command
# In this example, using the last 50 lines of the file 'syslog.txt'
$ geany-tail -n 50 syslog.txt
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