Geany Nightly Builds

Here you can find information about the nightly builds of Geany.

Currently we create Debian packages and a cross-compiled Windows build. The results, build logs and the corresponding binary packages can be found below.

Project Revision Target Platform Compiler Glib / GTK Version Logs Build Date (UTC) Download
Built successfully Geany 6a266bf Debian Stable (Bookworm) amd64 gcc 12 2.74.6 / 3.24.38 Stdout 2025-03-24 02:32 Details
Built successfully Geany 6a266bf Debian Unstable (Sid) amd64 gcc 14 2.84.0 / 3.24.49 Stdout 2025-03-24 02:29 Details
Built successfully Geany 6a266bf Windows x86_64 gcc 13-win32 2.82.5 / 3.24.49 Stdout 2025-03-24 02:21 Details
Built successfully Plugins 2107c89 Debian Stable (Bookworm) amd64 gcc 12 2.74.6 / 3.24.38 Stdout 2025-03-24 02:38 Details
Build failed, see the logs for details Plugins 2107c89 Debian Unstable (Sid) amd64 gcc 14 2.84.0 / 3.24.49 Stdout 2025-03-24 02:35 Details
Built successfully Plugins 2107c89 Windows x86_64 gcc 13-win32 2.82.5 / 3.24.49 Stdout 2025-03-24 02:25 Details