XlibRGB — Rendering RGB buffers to X drawables.


#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>

struct              XlibRgbCmap;
enum                XlibRgbDither;
void                xlib_rgb_init                       (Display *display,
                                                         Screen *screen);
void                xlib_rgb_init_with_depth            (Display *display,
                                                         Screen *screen,
                                                         int prefDepth);
unsigned long       xlib_rgb_xpixel_from_rgb            (guint32 rgb);
void                xlib_rgb_gc_set_foreground          (GC gc,
                                                         guint32 rgb);
void                xlib_rgb_gc_set_background          (GC gc,
                                                         guint32 rgb);
void                xlib_draw_rgb_image                 (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *rgb_buf,
                                                         int rowstride);
void                xlib_draw_rgb_image_dithalign       (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *rgb_buf,
                                                         int rowstride,
                                                         int xdith,
                                                         int ydith);
void                xlib_draw_rgb_32_image              (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *buf,
                                                         int rowstride);
void                xlib_draw_gray_image                (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *buf,
                                                         int rowstride);
XlibRgbCmap *       xlib_rgb_cmap_new                   (guint32 *colors,
                                                         int n_colors);
void                xlib_rgb_cmap_free                  (XlibRgbCmap *cmap);
void                xlib_draw_indexed_image             (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *buf,
                                                         int rowstride,
                                                         XlibRgbCmap *cmap);
Bool                xlib_rgb_ditherable                 (void);
void                xlib_rgb_set_verbose                (Bool verbose);
void                xlib_rgb_set_install                (Bool install);
void                xlib_rgb_set_min_colors             (int min_colors);
Colormap            xlib_rgb_get_cmap                   (void);
Visual *            xlib_rgb_get_visual                 (void);
XVisualInfo *       xlib_rgb_get_visual_info            (void);
int                 xlib_rgb_get_depth                  (void);
Display *           xlib_rgb_get_display                (void);
Screen *            xlib_rgb_get_screen                 (void);


The XlibRGB set of functions is a port of the GdkRGB library to use plain Xlib and X drawables. You can use these functions to render RGB buffers into drawables very quickly with high-quality dithering.


struct XlibRgbCmap

struct XlibRgbCmap {
  unsigned int colors[256];
  unsigned char lut[256]; /* for 8-bit modes */

FIXME: Describe this.

unsigned int colors[256];


unsigned char lut[256];


enum XlibRgbDither

typedef enum {
} XlibRgbDither;

These values are used to specify which dithering method should be used. XLIB_RGB_DITHER_NONE will use no dithering and simply map the colors in an RGB buffer to the closest colors that the display can provide. XLIB_RGB_DITHER_NORMAL will provide dithering only on pseudocolor displays. XLIB_RGB_DITHER_MAX will provide dithering on pseudocolor and 16-bit truecolor or “high color” displays.


Specifies no dithering.


Specifies dithering only on pseudocolor displays.


Specifies dithering on high color displays.

xlib_rgb_init ()

void                xlib_rgb_init                       (Display *display,
                                                         Screen *screen);

Initializes the XlibRGB machinery with the default depth. If you use this function XlibRGB will automatically pick the best visual available on your display. This function or xlib_rgb_init_with_depth() must be called before using any of the other functions in XlibRGB.

display :

X Display to use.

screen :

Screen to use.

xlib_rgb_init_with_depth ()

void                xlib_rgb_init_with_depth            (Display *display,
                                                         Screen *screen,
                                                         int prefDepth);

Initializes the XlibRGB machinery with a particular depth you specify, instead of automatically picking the best depth in the display. This function or xlib_rgb_init() must be called before using any of the other functions in XlibRGB.

display :

X display to use.

screen :

Screen to use.

prefDepth :

Visual depth to use for color substitution tables. This must be one of the supported visual depths in the specified display.

xlib_rgb_xpixel_from_rgb ()

unsigned long       xlib_rgb_xpixel_from_rgb            (guint32 rgb);

Converts an RGB triplet into the closest color that XlibRGB visual can handle.

rgb :

32-bit representation of an RGB value, specified as 0x00RRGGBB.

Returns :

X pixel value that corresponds to the closest color in the XlibRGB visual and colormap.

xlib_rgb_gc_set_foreground ()

void                xlib_rgb_gc_set_foreground          (GC gc,
                                                         guint32 rgb);

This is a convenience function to set the foreground of a GC from an RGB triplet. It calls xlib_rgb_xpixel_from_rgb() internally and uses the returned pixel value to set the GC's foreground.

gc :

A graphic context.

rgb :

32-bit representation of an RGB value, specified as 0x00RRGGBB.

xlib_rgb_gc_set_background ()

void                xlib_rgb_gc_set_background          (GC gc,
                                                         guint32 rgb);

This is a convenience function to set the background of a GC from an RGB triplet. It calls xlib_rgb_xpixel_from_rgb() internally and uses the returned pixel value to set the GC's background.

gc :

A graphic context.

rgb :

32-bit representation of an RGB value, specified as 0x00RRGGBB.

xlib_draw_rgb_image ()

void                xlib_draw_rgb_image                 (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *rgb_buf,
                                                         int rowstride);

Renders an RGB buffer to a drawable. Pixels are specified as RGB triplets with 8 bits per channel. An image will thus look like an RGBRGBRGBRGB sequence of 8-bit values. This function does not let you specify dither offsets; applications that need to render partial regions of a buffer to build the final image should use xlib_draw_rgb_image_dithalign() instead.

drawable :

Destination drawable.

gc :

A graphic context.

x :

Leftmost coordinate of the destination rectangle.

y :

Upper coordinate of the destination rectangle.

width :

Width of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

height :

Height of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

dith :

Dithering method to use.

rgb_buf :

Pointer to the pixel in the RGB buffer that corresponds to the upper-left corner of the rectangular region to render.

rowstride :

Offset between pixel rows in the RGB buffer, in bytes.

xlib_draw_rgb_image_dithalign ()

void                xlib_draw_rgb_image_dithalign       (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *rgb_buf,
                                                         int rowstride,
                                                         int xdith,
                                                         int ydith);

Renders an RGB buffer to a drawable. Pixels are specified as RGB triplets with 8 bits per channel. An image will thus look like an RGBRGBRGBRGB sequence of 8-bit values. This function lets you specify a pair of dither offsets. It should be used when you need to render regions of an RGB buffer separately to form the final image; the dither offsets let you align the dither mask appropriately.

drawable :

Destination drawable.

gc :

A graphic context.

x :

Leftmost coordinate of the destination rectangle.

y :

Upper coordinate of the destination rectangle.

width :

Width of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

height :

Height of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

dith :

Dithering method to use.

rgb_buf :

Pointer to the pixel in the RGB buffer that corresponds to the upper-left corner of the rectangular region to render.

rowstride :

Offset between pixel rows in the RGB buffer, in bytes.

xdith :

X offset for the dither mask.

ydith :

Y offset for the dither mask.

xlib_draw_rgb_32_image ()

void                xlib_draw_rgb_32_image              (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *buf,
                                                         int rowstride);

This function is analogous to xlib_draw_rgb_image(), but it lets you use 32-bit RGB buffers with pixels specified as 0xRRGGBB00. The least-significant 8 bits are actually discarded. This function can lead to faster results than xlib_draw_rgb_image() since the pixels are aligned on 32-bit boundaries.

drawable :

Destination drawable.

gc :

A graphic context.

x :

Leftmost coordinate of the destination rectangle.

y :

Upper coordinate of the destination rectangle.

width :

Width of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

height :

Height of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

dith :

Dithering method to use.

buf :

Pointer to the pixel in the RGB buffer that corresponds to the upper-left corner of the rectangular region to render.

rowstride :

Offset between pixel rows in the RGB buffer, in bytes.

xlib_draw_gray_image ()

void                xlib_draw_gray_image                (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *buf,
                                                         int rowstride);

Renders a grayscale buffer to a drawable. Pixels are specified as 8-bit intensity values. An image will thus look as a GGGGGG sequence of 8-bit values.

drawable :

Destination drawable.

gc :

A graphic context.

x :

Leftmost coordinate of the destination rectangle.

y :

Upper coordinate of the destination rectangle.

width :

Width of the destination rectangle, in pixels.

height :

Height of thd destination rectangle, in pixels.

dith :

Dithering method to use.

buf :

Pointer to the pixel in the grayscale buffer that corresponds to the upper-left corner of the rectangular region to render.

rowstride :

Offset between pixel rows in the grayscale buffer, in pixels.

xlib_rgb_cmap_new ()

XlibRgbCmap *       xlib_rgb_cmap_new                   (guint32 *colors,
                                                         int n_colors);


colors :


n_colors :


Returns :


xlib_rgb_cmap_free ()

void                xlib_rgb_cmap_free                  (XlibRgbCmap *cmap);

Frees an XlibRGB colormap.

cmap :

An XlibRGB colormap.

xlib_draw_indexed_image ()

void                xlib_draw_indexed_image             (Drawable drawable,
                                                         GC gc,
                                                         int x,
                                                         int y,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         XlibRgbDither dith,
                                                         unsigned char *buf,
                                                         int rowstride,
                                                         XlibRgbCmap *cmap);


drawable :


gc :


x :


y :


width :


height :


dith :


buf :


rowstride :


cmap :


xlib_rgb_ditherable ()

Bool                xlib_rgb_ditherable                 (void);

Queries whether XlibRGB supports dithering for its chosen visual.

Returns :

TRUE if dithering can be performed for the visual that XlibRGB is using, FALSE otherwise.

xlib_rgb_set_verbose ()

void                xlib_rgb_set_verbose                (Bool verbose);

Enables/disables debug spew.

verbose :

True to be verbose

xlib_rgb_set_install ()

void                xlib_rgb_set_install                (Bool install);

Sets whether we install an RGB colormap.

install :

True to install a colormap

xlib_rgb_set_min_colors ()

void                xlib_rgb_set_min_colors             (int min_colors);

Sets the minimum number of colors in the color cube.

min_colors :

minimum colors to use

xlib_rgb_get_cmap ()

Colormap            xlib_rgb_get_cmap                   (void);

Queries the X colormap that XlibRGB is using.

Returns :

An X colormap.

xlib_rgb_get_visual ()

Visual *            xlib_rgb_get_visual                 (void);

Queries the visual that XlibRGB is using.

Returns :

An X visual.

xlib_rgb_get_visual_info ()

XVisualInfo *       xlib_rgb_get_visual_info            (void);

Queries the visual info structure for the visual that XlibRGB is using.

Returns :

An XVisualInfo structure.

xlib_rgb_get_depth ()

int                 xlib_rgb_get_depth                  (void);

Queries the depth of the visual that XlibRGB is using.

Returns :

Bit depth.

xlib_rgb_get_display ()

Display *           xlib_rgb_get_display                (void);

Queries the X display that XlibRGB is using.

Returns :

An X display.

xlib_rgb_get_screen ()

Screen *            xlib_rgb_get_screen                 (void);

Queries the screen that XlibRGB is using.

Returns :

An X screen.

See Also